Prayer Ministry

chaplains 2020 Lee, Casey, Linda, Cindy



 Our Prayer Practitioner Program

with Rev. Grace

Prayer Practitioners are available

to pray with you


following Sunday Services



Prayer Works!praying hands with blue background

  Our Silent Prayer Circle will support you on your spiritual journey by creating and holding

a sacred space and praying with you in confidence whenever you need prayer.



To request confidential prayer for yourself or another (first names only please), you may

  1. Following Sunday Service: Ask a Prayer Practitioner to prayer with you in person.
  2. On Location at Unity: Complete a prayer slip and place it in our prayer box or go to the Healing Light Prayer Corner to Release into the fountain, Light a candle of Intention or write a prayer request.
  3. Speaking with someone: Call or text Rev. Sharon on her cell phone 517 243-2568
  4. Remotely: Leave your request by clicking the Blue Button below "Prayer Request Form".
  5. Remotely: Call the Unity office at 517-371-3010 and leave your prayer request. Our prayers will begin with you immediately and with you we say:  "Thank you, God, for answered prayer!"

hands holding a heartBe A Part of our Prayer Ministry

If you like to be part of our Silent Prayer Team, email

to discover how you can put your prayer work in service for others

The Many Shades of Prayer

Prayers and Meditations for You

The Prayer for Protection by James Dillet Freeman

The Light of God surrounds me, The Love of God enfolds me,

The Power of God protects me, The Presence of God is within me, (USCL edit)

Wherever I am, God is!

Creative Meditation 4 minutes 

Lousie Hay Morning Meditation 24 minutes

Dreams of Nature - 5 minutes

Meditation - "Lo I am With You Always 18 minutes

USCL Prayer and Pastoral Ministry Services

Pray for UkraineTake a Minute!
Folks around the world are dedicating one minute a day at 6:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time for all of us to hold the Ukraine in prayer. 
The Prayer of Protection is an excellent prayer to hold for our neighbors.

"The Light of God surround you. The Love of God enfolds you.

The Power of God protects you. The Presence of God watches over you. 

Wherever you are, God is.  - James Dillet Freeman

 prayer boxOur Positive Prayer Ministry 
Let us add our prayers to yours!  

Positive or affirmative prayer is a practical tool we use to consciously and constructively change our lives.  

A positive prayer is act of faith and conviction, an absolute knowing of the Truth for ourselves and/or another. 

It actively calls forth the manifestation of a specific desire through the power of the spoken word.

All prayer requests are held in strict confidence.


 For those connected with Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing - 

stained glass window of stream, trees, animals       PASTORAL CONNECTION

        If you or a congregant you know is healing, grieving or convalescing,

         contact Deborah Pennington at 517 485-7762 or

           email her at to arrange for a phone call or visit

          from one of the members of our Outreach Team.

    The team also sends out greeting cards appropriate to the situation.


Unity blue circle logo


Let your prayer work work for others. Join our Silent Prayer Team or our Prayer Chaplain program.

Silent Prayer Team:

Each week you will received a list of prayer requests.  Pray with others in the manner best suited for you.

Visualize the prayer box bathed in light. Hold the prayer list in your hand affirming the highest and best for each request.

Read each name aloud or read each category with an affirmative prayer statement to bless those requesting support for that human condition.

If you are moved to join our powerful prayer group, call or text Rev. Sharon at 517 243-2568 or e-mail

Prayer Chaplain

Pray one-on-one with people following Sunday service.

Other services may be added at the discretion of the Prayer Chaplain Team- pastoral visits, prayer phone calls, etc.